WordPress 2.0.4

Hi all,
MacHeadCase mentioned that WP had been updated again and I think I missed doing the last update
If you notice any glitches let me know because I did the update at 4am and did it the quick and dirty way. The correct way to update Worpress is to backup everything, disable all plugins, delete the old version of WordPress off the server and upload the new one. Apart from me being lazy there’s two reasons why I couldn’t be bothered with this
1) My Server’s rubbish and uploading files (especially multiple ones in nested folders) takes forever. I really should move to a different provider but I paid for 2 years and it was cheap
2) It’s a pain in the neck restoring themes, plugins & addons from the backup and would mean downtime for the blog

Anyway, I made a slight mistake that meant I couldn’t create or manage posts 1st time round, but reuploading the wp-admin folder fixed that and everything seems hunky dory. Like I say, if anything seems broken let me know – thanks

While I was uploading files I remembered that wordpress has an import feature for other blogs. My first blog was on blogger and I had never tried copying posts from there so thought i’d try using the blogger-worpress importer. If you look in the archive back to around August 2005 (this blog Started in about November I think) you’ll find all the old posts. What’s cool though is that it’s tweaked the blogger database too so when you go to my old blog you get an out of service message and a message saying you should try a better blogging tool — hyperlink to wordpress site
It’s only 6 posts which I transferred, but the comments need cleaning up as blogger doesn’t seem to record everything in the right place or that wordpress does. Prob gonna have to dive into the MySQL as none of them have proper usernames/gravatars/IP addresses and stuff like that. If you look, it seems like everyone who posted comments is from the UK from the IP2Nation plugin.
I left blogger because someone already had a blog with the same name and also because it was rather lacking compared to proper blogging tools. Oh and Phil said WordPress looked to be the best out there!

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